My ramblings on books I've read, music I've listened to and things I want to try.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Cat Sense
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
Friday, December 20, 2013
"Bargain Fever-- How to Shop in a Discounted World" ;
There are a few structural problems with the book. I think the author wrote many essays about different aspects of bargaining and pricing, and then hastily edited them together. The context switches between and back to different topics can be confusing.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Cell phones
This makes me more worried about the future of the PC. Cell phones may not have nice big screens, or great keyboards, but they are there in your pocket when you need them. PCs can't beat that. Over time, app and website authors will update there sites to work well on phones.
Will pcs go the way of the full sized van, or three quarter ton truck? Useful, but not in every ones home.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Being comparative, Comparing is healthy. Judging youself against the Jones' is not. Not everyone is your rival.
Being Defensive. Defending an idea is healthy. Defending and idea as a proxy for defending yourself is not.Showcasing brilliance. Ideas should stand on there own, not be pushed forward because you are brilliant.Seeking Acceptance. The truth is the truth, wither it is accepted or not.
Humility with intensity and intentCuriosityVeracity
Channel Intensity from identity to ideas.
DPA-- Diffuse Physiological Arousal-- when someone accidentally pushes one of our buttons, and we feel we are under attack. This is very hard to avoid. As a speaker, you have to be aware that your speech and send someone into DPA. Use open statements. Focus on ideas. As a listener you must be aware that you can be sent into DPA with an unintentional comment. The solution is to channel intensity from identity to ideas.
Don't be afraid of saying what you think (But avoid DPA)
Establish permission
Make your intent clear
be candid
Monday, December 2, 2013
Notes on Maui
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The second world war..
Until I read these books, I didn't realize little I knew about WW2 history.
WC's had an interesting view of the war; living through it, fighting it. The Holocaust was hidden from his view. The Allies had an uneasy relationship with Russia. Enemies with Russia for the first half of the war. Then suddenly allies when Germany invaded Russia. Then opponents again when Russia used the chaos at the end of the WW2 to gobble up the eastern bloc countries. I didn't realize that the seeds of the cold war were sown in WW2.
Be decisive.
Never give up.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Influence without authority
Closing the execution gap
- Translate strategy into action
- Expect top performance
- Hold people accountable
- involve the right people in making the right decisions
- Facilitate change readiness
- Increase coordination and cooperation
- lessons for leaders…
- Integrate the leader and manager roles
- Clarify assumptions and priorities
- Make sure the right systems are in place
- Coordinate and monitor high impact actions
- Get change management right
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The splendid table's how to eat weekends...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I had to put this book down. I saw that Hunter S Thompson recommended it, almost as a guide for life. Maybe I should take advice from people who live drug and alcohol soaked lives, no matter how interesting they are.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Out of sight, out of mind.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
More on Managing for results
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Managing for results
- Focus on your opportunities, not your problems.
- Your business is to create customers.
- Your customers are the people who decide to buy, not the people who think want to use your product.
- Your customers want satisfaction. Your product is only a means to that ends.
- distribution is as important as manufacturing.
Eat, drink and be healthy
- Avoid saturated fat. Don't be afraid of unsaturated fat.
- Eat plenty of vegetables.
- eat whole grains
- Stay away from refined starches, sugars and potatoes.
- Beef has saturated fat, bird less so, fish is unsaturated.
- Exercise 30 minutes a day
- Sleep 8 hours a day.
- Limit alcohol to 1 or 2 drinks a day.
- Watch your weight.
Monday, October 28, 2013
TB on rhetoric...
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
This will make you smarter
The Half-Life of Facts
Memory #3...
So what are my skills then? How can I leverage these skills? How can I manage my weaknesses?
I can rely on the things I know now. Not the things I did in the past. I can rely on the choices I can make right now. Not on the choices I made in the past.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Winston #2
On the poorly prepared defences leading to the fall of Singapore.
It never occures to me that this could happen. I was never informed, and I never asked. I should have asked.
Memory #2
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Making Things Happen
Results based leadership
- Begin with an absolute focus on results
- Take complete and personal responsibility for your group's results
- Clearly and specifically communicate expectations and targets
- Determine what you personally need to do to improve your results
- Use results as a litmus test for continuing or implementing a leadership practice
- Engage in development activities and opportunities that will help you produce better results.
- Know and use every group member's capabilities to the fullest. Provide them with appropriate development opportunities
- Experiment and innovate in every realm under your influence. Look for new ways to improve performance
- Measure the right standards and increase rigor with which you measure them.
- Constantly take action. Results won't improve without it.
- Increase the pace or tempo of your group.
- Seek feedback from others in the organization about the ways you and your group can improve your outcomes
- Ensure that your subordinates and colleagues perceive that your motivation for being a leader is the achievement of positive results, not personal or political gain
- Model the methods and strive for the results you want your group to use and attain.
Crucial Conversations.
- Establish and play attention to safety. Conversations go wrong when the person you are talking to no longer feels safe.
- Establish Mutual Respect.
- Establish Mutual Purpose.
- Pay attention to the story you are telling. Is it consistent with your values? With the mutual values and meaning that you are creating with the person you are talking to?
- Listen to other people, and there stories. Remember to keep mutual respect and purpose.
- Use contrasting when describing a difficult situation. Contrasting is a do/don't statement. "I mean X, Not Y"
- Start with the Facts
- Notice your behavior in the conversation. Notice that of the person you are talking with
- ABC. Agree. Build. Compare
- Move to Action-- Decide how to Decide-- Conesus? Single person decision? Vote?
Friday, September 20, 2013
Always have a strategic reserve. Things go wrong. If you don't have a reserve then you slam into the wall.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
if you look at this book right, it can be mapped to "The 8th Habit" …. "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." "Make and keep promises" and the rest of the 7 habits.
Fostering Straight talkCommunicating Expectations ClearlyMaking Information Transparent and accessible
Structuring Collaborative conversationsreinforcing respect and inclusionDefining joint goals and collective definitions of success.
Opening Channels for new ideasTreading people as experts in there own workEncouraging small wins and grassroots innovations
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The second world war - alone
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The Day The Universe Changed
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Trail running
Monday, August 26, 2013
Modern Life
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Occupy DC
Thursday, July 18, 2013
I'm usually irritated when I've read a substantial portion of a book before in a different form. Not in the case. In this book, the Heath's proudly claim to base their research on books such as "Thinking Fast and Slow" "Predictably Irrational" and the like. What makes this book worth the time is that the Heath's turn all this decision research into an actionable process...
When making a decision...
- Widen your options.
- Reality-test your assumptions.
- Attain distance before deciding.
- Prepare to be wrong.
2nd insight...
Question... Passion v.s. priority. If there is an important problem in my life, but the solution requires work I'm not excited about, how do I engage on the problem?
Monday, July 1, 2013
The Happiness Hypothesis
Haidt also covers a centuries long trend that's switching the discussion of ethics morality from virtues and values, to conundrums. philosophy in the distant pass used to debate the virtue of hard work, or excellence, or honesty. Now it considers cases like "Is it OK to murder 1 person if you will save 10?" "Is it OK to keep the lost wallet of a man you know to be a thief?"
I think both perspectives are necessary. We have to anchor our actions on solid values, but cannot allow those values to become an excuse as to prevent us from solving important problems. From time to time our values will raise conundrums that must be dealt with.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Ultimate treehouses
Friday, June 21, 2013
How Proust can change your life.
The most powerful Idea in the World
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease
Stay away from sugar, processed food, and too much saturated animal fat. Unsaturated fat, especially those high in omega 3's are fine. Eat foods with much fiber and macro nutrients (raw vegetables and whole fruits) Eat quality proteins.
Everything else in this book discusses why the above is a good idea, how all successful diets are some variety of the above and how to achieve the above in your diet.
How to Think More About Sex
If there is one thing to take away from this book, it's that normal sexuality really isn't easy or common. It's the result of a much work, and that by implication, normal long term relationships aren't easy or common, they are the result of years of effort.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
A few years ago in a village near Seattle, a man was fatally injured while having sex with a horse. After the investigation it turned out this wasn't a freak incident. The man was on a farm where people who wanted to have sex with animals could do so.
The documentary then is about the death, the people and events leading up to the death, and it's aftermath. This subject matter is great stuff for a hyperbolic media circus.
But that's not how the documentary is. It tells the story with understanding, sympathy even. While the documentary is not pro-bestiality, it does try to help someone understand why someone would be attracted to animals. And that's a little creepy.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Riemann Hypothesis: Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
How to Live
10/10/2014. I've listened to the audio book a second time now, and have found a decent translation of the Essays. The public domain editions are difficult reading as they are old French translated into old English. Better to pay a few bucks and get a modern translation. I have Screech's translation.
This time around I got more out of "How to Live..." Maybe it's that life involves actually paying attention to the people and things right in front of you and not treating them as abstractions or after thoughts. Life is it's own meaning.
"All human endeavors are eventually muddled with human error."
"Life should be an aim until itself; a purpose until itself."
"Enlightenment is something learned on your own body. It takes the form of things that happen to you."
"(In your interactions) you are looking at a creature who is looking back at you. No abstract principles are involved. Only two individuals, face to face, hoping from the best from one another."
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Doing Capitalism In the Innovation Economy
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Animal Spirits
I also finished animal spirits today. It's a good complement to the rational optimist. Not that the rational optimist is wrong, but that it doesn't cover the failings and limits of capitalism. Yes people choose rationally, but they only choose rationally about things they think about. Many choices in our life are not thought through.
Animal spirits then covers the gap between rational thought and emotional experience and how it affects the economy. It argues that we must be wary of snake oil and market conditions that allow for runaway economy not a healthy growing economy. Snake oil can be very attractive in many circumstances you may not realize you've bought snake oil until years of gone by. Take the housing bubble for example. It was years before that correction happened. Too many people had had no incentive to think rationally about what they were doing. They were paid to sell house after house, issue mortgage after mortgage, and pass the risk on to someone else.
It's too bad that animal spirits isn't as fun of a read as the rational optimist. The rational optimist has a certain exuberance to it.
The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Night of the iguana.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Resolve and Fortitude
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Grey Gardens
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
The signal and the noise.
This is an interesting book on predicting, why some predictions succeed, and why most fail. The research in it is fascinating, but the conclusions are little bit of a bummer. That we will never be able to predict well, thought we can forecast, and contingency plann. The author encourages us to think baysien about predictions, with false positives and false negatives.
nate silver was a professional poker player for a couple of years. His insights on beating poker are in those veins. He observes that if everyone had a poker table is good then no one is getting rich. The winnings are distributed randomly. the players are just passing money amongst each other. To win at poker you need to have a loser at the table.
Spotting the losers is hard work. It's not just a guy who's winning the most often. That could be a good player who's having a run of bad luck.
When the U.S. tightened up the laws about online poker playing, poker got much harder, as most of the losers stopped playing online poker. With fewer experienced losers online, fewer experienced losers headed out to the casino.
This also relates to the paritio principle, that 20% of your efforts bring 80% of the results. If you were at a table where everyone had their basics down, then you have to put in an order of magnitude more effort in to get to the next level. If everyone is doing that, then you have a lot of work ahead of you. Such is the nature of highly competitive play. For every step ahead of your competition, you have to put in an order of magnitude more effort. Not a little more effort, cause anyone can do that, but a lot more effort.
Rather than predicting the author encourages us to model for insight and for contingency planning. He also observes that when things go wrong it's because of the things we didn't expect. We confuse unfamiliar with improbable. He puts 911 in that category. Suicide pilots flying planes into buildings were unfamiliar so the idea was dismissed as improbable.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Just My Type
So much of this comes down to taste... a taste that I do not have, or cannot express. I can say that a font is lighter or darker, or easy to read, or more curvey, but I couldn't tell you what an elegant font was, or minimalist, or original, or arresting, or harmonized. Yet font designers can talk this way for hours.
And why are so many people with poor taste drawn to Papyrus and Comic Sans?
"When you break the rules, break them elegantly, definitively and well. Everything else is bad taste"
"When the going get's easy, it means you're getting lazy."
le Quattro volte
The film is surprisingly emotional. After dozens of slows shots of a goat herder leaving his home, his death is implied by a long shot of the herder's home, and the herder's dog barking at anyone who goes by.
I would love to see a long form narrative told like this.
The immortal life of Henrietta lacks
How do we know when to trust an authority? Especially when he is an authority on something we have no experience with? Is he really an authority or is he trying to con me with stories I can't understand?