Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Alcohol consumption.

From: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/28/upshot/alcohol-health-risks-study-worry.html

For each set of 100,000 people who have one drink a day per year, 918 can expect to experience one of the 23 alcohol-related problems in any year. Of those who drink nothing, 914 can expect to experience a problem. 

This means that 99,082 are unaffected, and 914 will have an issue no matter what. Only 4 in 100,000 people who consume a drink a day may have a problem caused by the drinking, according to this study.

At two drinks per day, the number experiencing a problem increased to 977. Even at five drinks per day, which most agree is too much, the vast majority of people are unaffected.

Some of the risks are...

  • Communicable diseases: lower respiratory infections, and tuberculosis;
  • Intentional injuries: interpersonal violence, and self-harm; 
  • Unintentional injuries: exposure to mechanical forces, poisonings, fire, heat, and hot substances, drowning, and other unintentional injuries; and
  • Transportation-related injuries.

The Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power

By Deirdre Mask.

An interesting book, although it's overall coherence is a bit stretched.

What is the history of Addressing? The concept of a street address is an idea that popped up in the 1600's. Largely because aristocracy was trying to improve their ability to create armies. It's very hard to decree "Every man between 16 and 30 shall be drafted into the army." if you don't know where these men could live, or how to find them. 

Having real addresses are an important step along the way from turning a collection of people who live near each other, into a Kingdom that provides services (Protection?) and needs to be funded (Taxes & Drafts)