Friday, February 8, 2019

Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition

By Umberto Eco.

I aborted reading this. Much of it is an update to a text book Eco wrote years ago. Perhaps I should go to that text book first.

“I used to be indecisive but now I’m not so sure.”


By Andrew Sean Greer.

Arthur Less is a gay man turning 50. He is survives at his career, but is not super successful. He has lovers, but no great love. He is sort of mediocre at many things. When a former lover decides to get married, rather than attend the wedding, Less arranges a working vacation, traveling around the world. In the process...

This is great book. Perhaps I liked it because I can identify so strongly with Arthur.


"Why did he always assume Mexico City would be like Phoenix on a smoggy day? Why did no one tell him it would be Madrid?"

"Just for the record: happiness is not bullshit."

"Less is technically Christian. There is really no other word for someone who celebrates Christmas and Easter, even if only as craft projects."

Friday, February 1, 2019

Reader, Come Home

By Maryanne Wolf


This book covers how are brain is changing as our world becomes digital. We are loosing our reflective, deep reading & deep focus skills. We are learning to skim everything. To let our attention float.


Much of this book covers the research behind the above idea. It outlines a plan to let childing develop bi-model reading skills. Skills that allow them to focus & read deeply on digital devices.


We read different on digital devices. Perhaps because the screen primes us to skim and to hunt for notifications.


There is something deeply good for us to take time away from digital devices, to tak time away from endless entertainment, and to spend your time focusing, reflecting and reading a good book.