Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Riemann Hypothesis: Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics.

This book tells the story of people who haven't solved a problem. They've tried many ways to solve the problem. They've leant much on the way. But, they still haven't solved the problem.
Interesting questions along the way.
Are there truth's that we can't prove? Or proofs that are too complex for us to understand?
When you work on a problem like this, the work must inevitably be collaborative, yet the person who ultimately proves the Riemann Hypotheses will get a lot of credit. Is that fare? Is that right?
i'm going through my old math texts trying to understand what the Riemann Hypotheses actually is. I remember being exposed to it in University, but it's importance and relevance never stuck out. I'd like to understand at least what it means.

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