Powell's success, like so many other's, seams to be about doing a great job with the basics, simplicity, follow though and establishing respect and professionalism. This isn't a beep book, but it is filled with stories from his career. The chapter titles tell it all…
The Rules…
It aint as bad as you think, it will look better in the morning.Get mad, then get over it.Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.It can be done. Presume things can be done until the facts and analysis pile up against it.Be careful what you choose, you may get it.Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.,You can't make someone elses choices. Don't let someone else make yours.Check small things.Share credit.Remain calm. Be kind.Have a vision. Be demanding.Don't take counsile of your fears or nayseyers,.Perpetual optimism is force multiplier.
Always do your best. Someone is watching.
Where on the battlefield. Leaders should be at the point of decision.
Trust your troups.
Establish mutual respect.
We are mammels
Never walk past a mistake,.
The guys in the field are right. The staff is wrong.
It takes all kinds.
One team. One fight.
Provided feedback. Be tactful to those who ask. Keep it private and confidential.
Keep metings uninterrupted. Use lots of questions and debates.
Remain accessible.
Be sure correspondence is excellent.
No surprises.
Speak precisely.
Don't rush into decisions.
How much time do I have to execute? Take a third of that time to anayzie and decide. Use the remainder for subordinates to analyzie and plan.
Compete to win.