Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

When a friend learnt that I was reading this book he became a little worried. He associated introverts with those quiet people who do their own weird thing, and don't participate in the rest of the world. Why should they get more power? Is good to have a book showing them how to do so?

I didn't tell my friend this, but the book is not a manifesto for introverts to take over the world. Rather it's an exploration of a more balanced approach-- there are strengthss to being an introvert, there are also pitfalls. The book discusses how to leverage the strenghts and avoid the pitfalls.

Don't use introversion as an excuse to not communicate. You may not want to speak to many people, but there are ways areound this. You can email, you can have small one on one conversations, you can be persistant with your questions. But, being an introvert is not a license to not act on or share important information that you know or to stand back and not make a difference.

Take your quiet time. Introverts need quiet time to recharge. Use. it.

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