Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Quiet Leadership by David Rock

What I want to remember... when coaching people, ask questions that encourage them to think about their thinking. Focus on "What can be done in the future" not so much as "What went wrong and who is to blame?"

There is much more to the book than this, but that's all I can hold in my head right now.

I think the other read "Made to Stick" before writing this book. There are a many processes and techniques that are given too-cute names. For example Step 5 is called "Create New Thinking" Create is an Acronym for "Current Reality." "Explore Alternatives" "Tap their Engergy."

The high level steps are usefull though...

Step 1. Thinking about Thinking.
Step 2. Listen for Potential.
Step 3. Speak with Intent
Step 4. Dance Towards Insight
Step 5 Create New Thinking
Step 6 Folow Up.

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