Saturday, July 25, 2020

Successful Aging

By Daniel J. Levitin.

A book that has a very concise set of conclusions spread out over hundreds of supporting stories...

1. Don't retire. Don't stop being engaged with meaningful work.
2. Look forward. Don't look back. Reminiscing doesn't promote health.
3. Exercise. Get your heart rate going. Preferably in nature.
4. Embrace a moderated lifestyle with healthy practices.
5. Keep your social circle exciting and new.
6. Spend time with people younger than you.
7. See your doctor regularly, but not obsessively.
8. Don't think of yourself as old-- other than taking prudent precautions.
9. Appreciate your cognitive strengths-- pattern recognition, crystallized intelligence, wisdom, accumulated knowledge.
10. Promote cognitive health through experiential learning: traveling, spending time with grandchildren, and immersing yourself in new activities and situations. Do new things.

Books to look up...
The Logic of Perception by Irv Rock
Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to better Ideas by James L Adamas.


Take 0.25 - 0.5 mg of melatonin three hours before you go to bed to reset your body clock.

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