Saturday, May 30, 2020

Digital Minimalism

By Cal Newport.

Newport makes a strong argument that we should sharply reduce the time we spend on smart phones and with social media. We are at our happiest and at our best, when we focus, when we actually have a conversation, when we actually engage in focused leisure.

Social media, with it's blips and sips of conversations and likes is a distraction that drags us down.

Using social media to arrange actual conversations... that is keeping in touch with someone. Facebooking for hours, skimming, clicking likes, that is unhealthy. It's an addiction.

Use technology intentionally, with a deep seated philosophy and set of goals.

The cost of a thing is the amount of life you had to exchange for it.

Reclaim leisure. Prioritize demanding activity over passive consumption. Use skills to produce valuable things in the physical world.

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