I like this book. It's a little more math heavy than most layman's physics books. Since I have a strong math background this gave me a deeper understanding. The book offers a good intro to Lie Groups and Gauge Theory.
With Einstein and relativity, Einstein had a deep insight—light always travels the speed of light regardless of your frame of reference. As he explored this insight he created special and general relativity which were validated with some amazing predictions.
The Standard Model of physics is different. It's more like the physicists are observing the data and then retro fitting models to explain that data. After a century they have created the Standard Model. This is frustrating in that it all feels very ad hoc. It doesn't offer deeper insight on why this should be so. On the other side, the Standard Model is very accurate. It has predicted many Deep Down Things with great precision.
The book stops with the Standard Model. It doesn't cover string theory and entanglement.
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