Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hyperbole and a Half

By Allie Brosh

Is this a graphic novel? It is a lovely set of short stories illustrated by Brosh's distinct drawings.

Brosh ultimately realizes that she is just sort of naturally shitter than what she wants to be, and she had to trick her self to keep herself from finding out and making her disappointed. This trickery is the cause of many weird and unfortunate behaviors behind many of Brosh's  hilarious stories.

Aren't we all.

Brosh's story about her depression is very deep and touching.

I read this book for a second time in May 2017. I close friend of mind had just told me that he just doesn't feel anymore. From our conversation I gathered that he was deeply depressed. He didn't use those words though. I thought of gifting this book to him, maybe to cheer him up. First I reread it to ensure it was as relevant as I had thought.

This is not a book to help depressed people. This is a book for friends of depressed people. I think I've realized that I can help him. Even worse, helping him may be counter productive. As the author said, "Telling a depressed person to cheer up is like telling an armless person to keep punching him self until his arms grow back-- That plan is just fundamentally wrong."

Instead I can keep in touch with him as he goes through this journey and perhaps double check that his decisions to go off into the weeds.

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