Thursday, July 3, 2014

David and Goliath...

By Malcom Gladwell

Gladwell is the master of collecting interesting stories, retelling them well, and stringing them together to support a bigger theme.

Between this book and 'Outliers' he's developed an interesting perspective on how we succeed or fail. I like that the two books support each other.

David & Goliath takes a look at the limitations of the powerful, and the advantages of the underdog.

Success makes you conservative. It makes organizations larger and slows them down.

The under dog is smaller, quicker, and doesn't have to play by the rules.
When you have nothing to loose, not even respect, there are many things you can do that the respected and successful can't. Guerrilla warfare is successful very often. Middle class parents are better at teaching there children the value of hard work and investing than the rich.

The book discusses the notion of the inverted U curve-- diminishing returns. It applies this idea to money and power.

David and Goliath also discusses "Desirable Difficulties" Difficulties that force people to learn skills that are very valuable. For example,,, someone with dyslexia who learns to compensate by being a great listener and by working very hard.

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