Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Imagine: How Creativity Works

by Jonah Lehrer

I was half way through this book when the controversy hit-- the made up quotes, the copied  passages. It darkened my spirit for the book, which is a shame because it's good reading. Lehrer explores the different types of creativity and how to support them.

Things I want to remember.
1. Contructive criticism is more affective than brain storming.
2. In groups, great ideas come most often when the group has a mix of people who are used to working together, and people who are new ot the group.
3. There are phases to every idea. A great idea must be iterated and polished on for a long time. This can be far more work than actually having the idea.
4. The initial cut of Finding Nemo was so bad that Disney delayed re-signing a distribution deal with Pixer. Disney thought the movie would flop. It was through iteration, polishing and plussing, that Finding Nemo became great

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