In 1964 the Granada TV produced "Seven Up!" a documentary about a dozen different seven year olds from different back grounds. Some where rich, some poor, some middle class.
Every seven years since then, the film makers have followed up with the kids producing another documentary on their lives-- "7 plus Seven", "21", "28 Up", "35 Up", "42 Up" and "49 Up"
I'm only at "28 Up" but the documentary is becoming fascinating. "Seven Up!" and "7 plus Seven" are the weakest of the lot. The seven year olds, despite their different backgrounds are typical seven year olds, going to school, mostly doing what their parents tell them to do, sometimes getting into trouble. By "21" the kids have their own personalities and their own lives; some married, some broken hearted, some happily single.
I highly recommend this series. Not because the individual installments are strong, but because you get see a dozen lives compressed into a few hours.
did you rent it on Netflix?
Yes, Netflix. Most of 'Up!' is avaiable online. Right now "Seven Up" and "Thirty Five Up" are only availble on DVD.
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