Monday, May 26, 2008

Running away from it all...

If I had to run away from it all and could only bring a few things with me, what would they be?

As I go over that list in my mind, I am suprised at how small the list is. I could abandon most of my possesions. I only have them because they are gifts, or tools I once used and thought I may use them again, or things I could use to entertain people.

Now, what do I really love, and really use? The answer stems from a few simple princples.

First, I can tolerate anything as long as I have a good meal every day and a good sleep at night.

Second, this is the internet age. I use my computer to keep in touch with friends, to store all my records, my music and photos.

Third. I enjoy photography.

So what would I take? I start off with some some simple toiletries and clothing,

Next, I would bring along my pots, pans, pressure cooker, mixer, cutlery, bowls and plates.

Third, my laptop.

Fourth my camera and lenses.

Fifth my sleeping bag and a pillow.

Sixth, some clothing.

And that is it.

Every thing but the camera and laptop are necessities. I could go even more minimalist and leave those two behind. But if I did that I'd be leaving something I enjoy. And, that is the point of this list-- to answer what do I need to be happy? Not, what do I need to survive.

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