Friday, September 13, 2024

Who Get's What-- and Why

By Alvin E. Roth.

The places and ways we procure things-- markets-- can be designed. Their design greatly impacts who get's what and why.

Roth spends much time on Kidney transplant markets (He earned is Nobel prize for that)  covering how thought and care greatly increased the number of kidneys available for transplant.

The Mysterious Affair at Styles.

Another Agatha Christie murder mystery.

I read Christie's books more as a lesson in the anatomy of murder mysteries. Christie invented many of the tropes still used in murder mysteries today... the timings, the liar who is hiding something else, the distractions, the number of accomplices (Taken to extremes in Murder on the Orient Express) It's fun to read their original incantations in these books.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Murder at the Vicarage

By Agatha Christie

The first Miss Marple novel. 

Another fun read by Christie. Perhaps it depends a little too much on people who know exactly where they  were and what they heard at 6:20, not 6:15 and definitely not 6:25. The in habitants of this book are either clock watchers or liars.