By Yuval Noah Harari.
An interesting history of our Sapien species from origination to the current times. It gets a little philosophical at the end but, it makes some interesting points...
- For all of our technological and societal improvements we may be not be much happier than our ancestors. Happiness is a biochemical process in our brain. Our history and our technology haven't selected future generations for more happiness. If anything, every time we become more prosperous, instead of putting the new resources into happiness, we put them into raising more babies.
- Talk about living "According to Nature" or according to certain principals (Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, etc) can cut short meaningful discussions about how we actually ought to live and deal with the consequences of our choices. Unless we are very intentional, we will live according to the will of evolution and our genetics. These processes don't care about our happiness or well being. They reward those who have more babies with the tendency to have more babies.